Cat Dental - Everything You Need To Know About Cat Dental Care

What is involved in cat dental care?

Cat dental care is very important. I focus on preventative medicine. There are a lot of great products out there, like dental chews, toothpaste, watered additives, and food additives. It's about finding the right protocol that will do best to minimize dental disease for your cat.

Dr. Adam Boe, DVM
Smithfield Animal Hospital

What are some signs and symptoms of issues with oral health in my cat?

Cats sometimes get the same things as dogs regarding calculus buildup. They can get gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums. One of the things I frequently see in cats is oral stomatitis, which is their own body starting to reject teeth. That manifests as inflammation around the gums.

How do you go about diagnosing dental problems in cats?

The first step is always coming in for an appointment. I'll do a full oral exam if the patient allows it while they're awake. That entails lifting up the lips, looking at the gums and the teeth, and identifying any issues. Then, most importantly, I'll talk to you guys, the owners, about their history. If I notice any signs of pain, behavioral changes, and things like that, it could indicate that there's some dental disease.

Why does my cat need anesthesia for teeth cleanings?

That's a great question. To get a thorough oral exam for dogs and cats alike, we need to have them fully under anesthesia. The reason for that is, as you can tell here, Indiana doesn't always follow my directions. So if I ask him to open his mouth so I can explore the teeth inside, he might not let me. If I need to do probing around each tooth, he certainly won't let me. Most importantly, I need to do x-rays of every single tooth. A tooth could often look perfectly healthy from visually looking at it, but when I perform an x-ray, we identify something below the surface.

Who monitors my cat while under anesthesia?

I'll be around for anesthesia induction. Then, while I'm doing the dental procedure, a technician specializing in anesthesia will monitor some state-of-the-art equipment to ensure your cat does well.

Will my cat be intubated to have dental work done?

Absolutely. I want to make sure that your cat is getting everything they need anytime during that procedure. That means maintaining the airway, ensuring that they are healthy throughout that whole procedure.

If my cat needs extractions, will pain medication be given?

Absolutely. I am a big proponent of making sure your cat is not uncomfortable during or after the procedure. We use medications that minimize any sort of pain. That includes the several days after surgery to make sure they're not uncomfortable during recovery.

How may I know about scheduling a dental for my cat?

The best thing to do is to give us a call. You can schedule an appointment, and we'll come in and do our standard exam. Based on those findings, we'll schedule a dental appointment.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (570) 421-7738, you can email us, or you can reach out on social media. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can.